Puppy Care
Training and caring for your puppy is a wonderful time of bonding that will enrich the relationship you share with your new puppy. Although it may seem overwhelming at times, in the end it is worth it all.
When bringing home a new puppy there are a few important things you need to know. The first few weeks are a huge change for the puppy. Being away from their littermates and mother will take a bit of adjusting. Please remember your puppy is a baby and will need lots of patience, love and attention so that they may grow into a happy and healthy dog.
Important information to know:
Puppies like being in a crate that is not too big for them, this is like a little den that they can feel safe in. When you transition your puppy into a new crate you should always make it a fun experience and not rush the process. Put treats in the bedding that they can sniff out and find. Place the blanket that is provided in our puppy care pack, so there is a familiar and comforting scent. Let them go in on their own. Do not force them to go in, be with them and praise them when they go into the crate. Remember to be patient, this is a whole new experience for them.
The first few nights away from your puppy’s littermates may be hard for them. To ease the transition you may want to put a hot water bottle (not to hot) in their bed and have some white noise nearby (like a clock ticking) to help settle them. It is best to sleep them in a crate next to your bed so they don’t feel abandoned. You can slowly move them out of your room to the spot where they will be sleeping as they become more confident of their surroundings and their new home. Remember every puppy is different so do not rush this process.
Your puppy has a very tiny bladder, they will have little control till they are older and can understand the rules of their new environment. To potty train them, have them on a schedule. Take them to their potty place every hour and also 20 mins after eating or drinking. At night for the first little while they may need to go potty every few hours till they gain a little more bladder control. To make nights a little easier, limit food and water intake half an hour before bed and take them potty right before bedtime. If you do have to get up with them, take them quietly to their potty place and quietly praise them when they go, but keep the talking to a minimum. Keep the lights low so the puppy doesn’t think that it’s time to play. You will know when your puppy needs to go potty by certain cues such as sniffing restlessly and circling, in their bed they may begin to pant and whimper frantically because they naturally do not like to eliminate in their bed.
Grooming and ear health:
your puppy will have a curly to wavy coat depending on the individual puppy. You will need to brush your puppy's fur regularly to avoid knots and tangles. It is best to use a metal comb on dry fur to loosen knots and then complete the brushing with a slicker brush. Your puppy will need regular hair clipping to keep them looking their best. As a poodle breed, you with find their fur grows continually. Although it is adorable to see a puppy with fluffy long hair it will be more comfortable for them and easier to maintain if their fur is at a manageable length. keep their toenails short and clipped being careful not to cut the skin underneath called the quick.
Your puppy is going to have beautiful floppy ears that will melt anyone's heart. But remember that these lovely ears will need special care. keep them clean and dry always. It's a good idea to check their ears daily to ensure they are clean. After every bath or any water activity make sure they are dried with a clean dry cloth. Avoid using cotton swabs as these leave cotton behind in their ear and can cause infection. To clean the ear you can use a ear rinse found at most local pet supply stores.
Around 12 weeks your puppy will start to lose their milk teeth as their adult teeth start to grow in. Keep an eye on them and be careful not to tug on something that they may have in their mouths so their teeth are not removed prematurely or to painfully. If you think your puppy has swallowed a tooth, don't panic they will be fine, it happens all the time. It is important to begin brushing your puppy's teeth once a week to maintain healthy teeth and gums. The sooner you introduce brushing teeth the better so they become accustomed to it. Brushing your puppy's teeth is very important in their overall and long term health. ONLY use dog/puppy toothpaste as human toothpaste is toxic to dogs.
Be aware of toxic food for your puppy, some common household ones are:
-Onions - grapes/raisins
-Chocolate - cooked bones (especially chicken)
If there is a question about what food is ok always look it up first to be safe. Call your vet if you have any concerns about something that your puppy has eaten.
Your puppy has had their first vaccinations at 8 weeks old and has been wormed biweekly. They will need a booster shots at around 12 weeks and then again at 16 weeks of age. To prevent serious disease and infections keep your puppy away from public places till they have had all of their shots. When you take them to the vet carry them or bring them in a crate, do not let them down on the floor to ensure they do not pick up any contagious illness. For the safety of your puppy’s health Keep them away from other dogs or puppies unless they have been fully vaccinated. A puppy's immune system is sensitive and vulnerable while they are young. Socialization is very important for your new puppy, but be always mindful and vigilant of potential harms that they may come across.